Through this post, we will try to explain the main menus and their functionalities here.
This menu holds the dashboard for viewing overall search system for a specific account. It includes below sections.
- Index Information,
- Terms Report,
- Null Search Terms Report,
- Crawl Performance,
- Search Form,
- Recent Changes,
- Alerts
This menu helps to adjust the design specific search configurations on a page. It includes,
- Navigation - Facets, Facet Rails(Group of facets), Breadcrumbs, Page Navigation, Menus, Recent Searches
- Templates - Section where we can create new templates. This templates includes both transport(.tpl) and presentation(.tmpl) templates.
- Banners - Helps to add HTML Banner
- Autocomplete - Setting up auto complete, word lists, styles of search form and its form related configurations are available in this section.
- Query Cleaning - When the query is hit on the browser, if we need to clean up the query, this rules can be used.
- Direct Hits - For a specific query term, if we need to redirect to a specific url, we can do the same here.
- Pre-search rules - This rules gets executed before the search happens; useful when we need to do an operation on query term(for eg: check query contains a specific word)
- Post search rules- This gets executed once a search is done and result is available. (An example could be, if a custom variable is present and its value is meeting some criteria)
- business rules - purely business queries. For eg if business wants to show a banner(promotional Advt) when the query term contains a specific term.
- Ranking rules - Helps to provide weights to metatags and adjusting its weights. Based on this, search results can be pushed up or down.
- Dictionaries - to add our own dictionary.
- Words & Language - To add any conditions like case sensitivity, sound alike etc.
- Did you mean - If a user types a wrong spelled term and if we need to suggest him a relevant term.
- Excluded words - always helps to omit some terms from search.
An html form of search page in S&P environment. This helps to test the search functionality in Search and Promote itself. We can set up rules for various simulators.
A section which gives idea on what are all things modified in stage and not yet pushed to live
An over view section of all search operations. Index reports, term reports, Adobe analytics, alerts etc. Changes made by different users can be tracked here.
All indexing operations can be performed here. This include configuring new index, editing various types of indexes, running index, roll back etc.
All account related and user related settings are found here. Crawl, searching, metadata, filtering, rules, analytics, seo, profile, account, user operations etc are managed through thi
s menu.
All accounts are listed here for a logged in user. If the person is a normal user with single account access, only one account will be listed here.
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