Let us think some scenarios where UTF 8 Characters are included in fields. Say we have dialog which contains a textfield, whose value is used later as a request parameter in a servlet. The configuration goes as below.
The XML segment for this simple textfield is shown below (from the dialog.xml) :
defaultValue=" "
The dialog also contains a button which, when pressed, is calling a servlet creating a page. The page is created using the 'name' property shown above. Below you can see the JS segment performing the servlet call, when pressing the aforementioned button:
var locationTagField = CQ.Ext.getCmp('location-tag');
var languageField = CQ.Ext.getCmp('location-available-languages');
var nameField = CQ.Ext.getCmp('location-name');
var jsonURL = CQ.shared.HTTP.getPath() + '/_jcr_content.' + itemtype
+ '.json?action=createprofilepage&generationlanguage='
+ languageField.getValue() + '&location='
+ locationTagField.getValue()[0] + '&title=' + nameField.getValue();
var url = CQ.HTTP.externalize(jsonURL, true);
var json = CQ.Util.eval(url);
Below you can see the Java code sgement related to the page creation:
final String title = slingRequest.getParameter(Constants.PARAM_TITLE);
//parentPath and template values are provided as parameters to the relevant method.
return resolver.adaptTo(PageManager.class).create(parentPath, null, template, title);
Issue: Once the page gets created, a special character like ü for Anüssel or Villünkl has encoding issue. E.g it becomes "Asüsersel" instead of "Asüsersel ".
The above issue is usually a UTF-8. Let us see how to resolve this.
It can be easily resolved as below. Set the encoding of the from that you are submit e.g. UTF-8 by the hidden field _charset_. What the default encoding is the different Sling Versions is detailed here. Apache Sling - Request Parameters[http://sling.apache.org/site/request-parameters.html] (see paragraph at the end about Character Encoding)